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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - lower


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Перевод с английского языка lower на русский


1) опускать; спускать

2) понижать; уменьшать (напр. давление)

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  нижнее воздушное пространство ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  orders низшие сословия, классы; LOWER organization подведомственная организация; LOWER House нижняя палата (в двухпалатном парламенте); LOWER regions ад, преисподняя; joc. подвальный этаж; кухня, помещение для слуг LOWER deck нижняя палуба; LOWER Chamber нижняя палата LOWER case отделение со строчными литерами, цифрами и знаками препинания LOWER boy ученик одного из первых классов; LOWER Empire hist. Восточная Римская империя; Византия LOWER school первые четыре класса в английской средней школе; LOWER middle class мелкая буржуазия; LOWER I  1. adj.; comp. of low II  1.  1) низший; нижний; the lower deck - команда (на английских судах); - lower deck - lower middle class - lower orders - lower school - lower boy - Lower House - lower organization - lower regions  2) недавний (о времени) - Lower Empire  2. v.  1) спускать (шлюпку, парус, флаг); опускать (глаза)  2) снижать(ся) (о ценах, звуке и т.п.); уменьшать(ся)  3) унижать  4) разжаловать  5) понижать  6) coll. наспех съесть, проглотить; to lower a glass of beer - осушить стакан пива; to lower a sandwich - проглотить бутерброд Syn: see reduce II = lour ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. compar от low 2. низший lower animals —- низшие животные (the) lower classes —- низкие классы lower orders —- низшие сословия the lower ranks of life, the lower walks of life —- разг. низшие слои общества lower boy —- ученик одного из первых классов on a lower floor —- этажом ниже 3. нижний lower jaw (jawbone) —- нижняя челюсть lower lid —- нижнее веко lower tooth —- нижний зуб lower reaches of a river —- низовые реки lower storey —- подлесок, нижний ярус леса lower regions —- ад, преисподняя; подвальный этаж; кухня, помещение для слуг the lower end of the table —- нижний конец стола (для менее почетных гостей) 4. недавний it belongs to a lower date —- это относится к более позднему (недавнему) времени 5. (часто L.) геол. нижний, более ранний L. Devonian —- нижний девон L. Cretaceous —- нижний мел, нижнемеловой период Id: L. Empire —- ист. Восточная Римская империя, Византия 6. спускать; опускать to lower a boat —- спустить шлюпку to lower one's eyes —- опустить глаза to lower the bar —- опустить планку (легкая атлетика) to lower the weight at the press —- спорт. опустить вес при жиме lower the boat! —- шлюпку к спуску! (команда) lower the flag! —- флаг спустить! (команда) lower sails! —- паруса долой! (команда) 7. опускаться, падать 8. снижать; уменьшать to lower prices —- снижать цены to lower the rent of a house —- снизить квартирную плату 9. снижаться,...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  1. гл. снижать(ся), понижать(ся), уменьшать(ся) - lower court - lower price 2. прил.; сравн. от low более низкий - lower echelon - lower turning point ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) бессировать 2) младший 3) нижестоящий 4) нижний 5) низкокипящий 6) низкомолекулярный 7) низший 8) опускать 9) понижать 10) снижать essential lower bound — существенная нижняя грань estimate of upper and lower bounds — двусторонняя оценка greatest lower bond — точная нижняя грань greatest lower bound — матем. нижняя грань, точная нижняя грань greatest lower limit — наибольший нижний предел; наибольшая верхняя граница lower basic group — нижняя базисная группа lower basic subgroup — нижняя основная подгруппа lower case letter — строчная буква lower central chain — нижняя центральная цепь (группы) lower central factor — нижний центральный фактор lower central series — нижний центральный ряд lower class boundary — нижняя граница интервала lower closed function — замкнутая снизу функция lower complete homomorphism — полный снизу гомоморфизм lower confidence contour — нижняя доверительная граница lower confidence limit — нижний доверительный предел lower control limit — нижний контрольный пробел lower covering condition — условие нижнего покрытия lower differential entropy — нижняя дифференциальная энтропия lower iron oxide — закись железа lower logarithmic density — нижняя логарифмическая плотность lower measurable function — измеримая снизу функция lower pitch limit — радио предел высоты тона нижний lower pure value — нижняя чистая цена lower semicomplete...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. adj. & adv. --adj. (compar. of LOW(1)). 1 less high in position or status. 2 situated below another part (lower lip; lower atmosphere). 3 a situated on less high land (Lower Egypt). b situated to the South (Lower California). 4 (of a mammal, plant, etc.) evolved to only a slight degree (e.g. a platypus or fungus). --adv. in or to a lower position, status, etc. Phrases and idioms lower case see CASE(2). lower class working-class people and their families. lower-class adj. of the lower class. lower deck 1 the deck of a ship situated immediately over the hold. 2 the petty officers and men of a ship collectively. Lower House the larger and usu. elected body in a legislature, esp. the House of Commons. lower regions (or world) hell; the realm of the dead. Derivatives lowermost adj. 2. v. 1 tr. let or haul down. 2 tr. & intr. make or become lower. 3 tr. reduce the height or pitch or elevation of (lower your voice; lower one's eyes). 4 tr. degrade. 5 tr. & intr. diminish. 3. var. of LOUR. ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
   I. intransitive verb  also lour  Etymology: Middle English louren; akin to Middle High German luren to lie in wait  Date: 13th century  1. to look sullen ; frown  2. to be or become dark, gloomy, and threatening an overcast sky ~ed over the village  II. noun  also lour  Date: 14th century frown  III. adjective  Etymology: 3low  Date: 13th century  1. relatively low in position, rank, or order  2. southern ~ New York State  3. less advanced in the scale of evolutionary development  4.  a. situated or held to be situated beneath the earth's surface  b. capitalized being an earlier epoch or series of the period or system named Lower Cretaceous Lower Paleolithic  5. constituting the popular and often the larger and more representative branch of a bicameral legislative body ~ house  IV. Date: 1606  intransitive verb to move down ; drop; also diminish  transitive verb  1.  a. to let descend ; let down  b. to depress as to direction ~ your aim  c. to reduce the height of  2.  a. to reduce in value, number, or amount  b.  (1) to bring down in quality or character ; degrade  (2) abase, humble  c. to reduce the objective of ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (lowers, lowering, lowered) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. You can use lower to refer to the bottom one of a pair of things. She bit her lower lip. ...the lower deck of the bus... The upper layer of felt should overlap the lower. ...the lower of the two holes. ? upper ADJ: ADJ n, the ADJ, the ADJ of n 2. You can use lower to refer to the bottom part of something. Use a small cushion to help give support to the lower back. ...fires which started in the lower part of a tower block. ? upper ADJ: ADJ n 3. You can use lower to refer to people or things that are less important than similar people or things. Already the awards are causing resentment in the lower ranks of council officers... The nation’s highest court reversed the lower court’s decision... The higher orders of society must rule the lower. ? higher ADJ: ADJ n, the ADJ 4. If you lower something, you move it slowly downwards. Two reporters had to help lower the coffin into the grave... Sokolowski lowered himself into the black leather chair... ‘No movies of me getting out of the pool, boys.’ They dutifully lowered their cameras. VERB: V n prep/adv, V pron-refl prep/adv, V n • lowering ...the extinguishing of the Olympic flame and the lowering of the flag. N-UNCOUNT: usu N of n 5. If you lower something, you make it less in amount, degree, value, or quality. The Central Bank has lowered interest rates by 2 percent... VERB: V n • lowering ...a package of social measures which included the lowering of the retirement age. N-UNCOUNT: usu N of n 6. If someone lowers their head or eyes, they look downwards, for example because they are sad or embarrassed. She lowered her head and brushed past photographers as she went back inside... She lowered her gaze to the hands in her lap. ? raise VERB: V n, V n 7. If you say that you would not lower yourself by doing something, you mean that you would not behave in a way that would make you or other people...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 adj 1 only before noun below something else, especially beneath something of the same type  (Nina chewed her lower lip anxiously. | the lower limbs (=legs)) 2 only before noun at or near the bottom of something  (the lower slopes of the mountain) 3 smaller in number or amount  (Temperatures will be lower over the weekend.) 4 only before noun less important than something else of the same type  (the lower levels of management) ~2 v 1 »REDUCE« to reduce something in amount, degree, strength etc, or to become less  (After 20 minutes lower the temperature to 325°. | drugs to lower blood pressure | lower your voice (=make it quieter))  (Helen lowered her voice as they approached.) 2 »MOVE DOWN« to move something down from higher up  (The flags were lowered to half-mast. | lower sth down/into/between etc)  (They lowered the coffin into the grave.) 3 lower yourself (usually in negatives) to behave in a way that makes people respect you less  (I wouldn't lower myself to speak to her after what she's done.) 4 lower the tone often humorous to make a conversation, a social situation etc less polite, for example by telling rude jokes  (They thought an influx of students would lower the tone of the neighborhood.) 5 lower your eyes to look down  (Katrina lowered her eyes demurely.) - lowered adj  (Zoe watched through lowered eyelashes.) ~3 also lour BrE v 1 when the sky or the weather lowers, it becomes dark because there is going to be a storm  (lowering clouds) 2 literary to look threatening or annoyed; frown1  (lowering at us across the table) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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